Motives for, benefits from and accounting support to the ISO 14001 standard implementation
Jovanović, Dejan
Janjić, Vesna
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Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, The Republic of Serbia
With an increase in the number of the companies that have adopted the ISO 14001 standard, the interest
demonstrated in research studies regarding the assessment of the motives for and benefits from the ISO
14001 standard implementation has also been increasing. Nevertheless, in spite of the importance of the ISO
14001 standards, a discussion on their importance and the role of accounting in this process yet remains
an open issue among researchers and practitioners. Starting from the above said, the main purpose of the
research conducted in this paper is to identify the motives for and benefits from the implementation of the
ISO 14001 standard and to examine the role of accounting in the implementation process. The empirical
research in this paper was performed on the example of the 33 companies that have the obligation to submit
their data on the sources of environmental pollution to the National Pollution Register. The data were
collected through a poll of the management of the companies via a questionnaire, whereas the data analysis
was performed by using various quantitative statistical methods and techniques, and primarily through
the application of descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests. The results of the research indicate that
the primary motives for the introduction of the ISO 14001 standards are an environmental responsibility,
creating the image of a socially responsible company and the improvement of performances, whereas
the benefits can be synthesized through the improvement of environmental performances, efficiency and
profitability. Also, the results of the research study indicate that the managers of the companies partly
recognize the role of accounting in the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard. The main conclusion
of the research is that the management of the companies partly recognize the role of accounting in the
ISO 14001 standards implementation. The main conclusion of the research is that the management of the
companies in Serbia understand the importance of the implementation of the ISO 14001 standards, but not to
a proper extent, as well as the role of accounting in that process.
environmental protection, enterprise, ISO 14001 standard, motives, benefits, accounting
Jovanović, D., & Janjić, V. [2018]. Motivi, koristi i računovodstvena podrška implementaciji ISO 14001 standarda. Ekonomski horizonti, 20(1), 27-43.