BY-NC-NDVuković, Zoran2022-07-292022-07-2920199788676230884 je napisan u okviru projekta Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Kragujevcu XXI vek – vek usluga i Uslužnog prava, br. 179012, koji finansira Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije.The exceptional complexity of the content and social role of sports greatly complicates the efforts to define this social activity through an appropriate definition. In this respect, in the legal literature it can be distinguished two completely opposing views. According to one of them, the unique definition of sport cannot be completely comprehensive and it has no character of functionality. On the contrary, another viewpoint is characterized by an effort to define sports in a more comprehensive way. For the purpose of conceptual determination of sport through a unique definition, the author considers the key settings of the aforementioned considerations.sropenAccess determination of sportprofessional sportamateur sportentertainmenta gameO POJMU SPORTAON IDEA OF SPORTconferenceObject10.46793/XVMajsko.395V