BY-NC-NDVesković, Јelena2022-03-222022-03-2220181450-8338 paper will aim to analyse Emperor Asa, a short story belonging to medieval translational literature in which the main motif is the expiation of sin. Sin occurs due to the emperor’s misogynist tendencies towards the verses from the holy books that were written by a woman and his omitting them. Due to desecrating the holy books, Emperor Asa will be subjected to consequences of such a sinful act – through the movement within the time dimension in the alternative reality (of the dream), he will lose his title and find himself in a landfill dressed in rags. Through hunger, thirst, nakedness, and constant condemnation by the people he encounters, Emperor Asa will self-examine his identity and the uncertain reality in which he is located. The investigative discourse in this work is seen in the discursive elements of interrogation, evidence, presenting facts within the testimonies of witnesses, punishment and realisation of guilt.sropenAccessČKO PREISPITIVANjE IDENTITETA CARA ASEETHICAL RE-EXAMINATION OF IDENTITY IN EMPEROR ASAarticle