BY-NC-NDMilojevicc, IvanMihajlović, MilanPopović, MilicaPantić, Nemanja2022-03-062022-03-062020Milojević, I., Mihajlović, M., Popović, M., & Pantić, N. (2020). Application of quantitative models in the organization of the financial function of agricultural enterprises. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 67(3), 747-762. role and content of the financial function can be seen through the identification of its tasks. They determine the volume and method of organization of the financial function in agricultural enterprises. Hierarchical priorities of tasks, their volume and complexity, the impact on business efficiency are just some aspects that affect its organization. Multi-criteria optimization methods can be used in choosing the organization and setting the model of job specialization within the organizational structure of the financial function of agricultural enterprises. By applying the individual methods that have been applied so far, not all requirements could be fully covered, so in this paper we applied a hybrid optimization model - DEMATELTOPSIS. The DEMATEL method was used for obtaining the weighting coefficients of the criteria on the basis of which the evaluation of alternatives was performed. The selection of criteria for evaluating the model was based on the analysis of the available literature. Evaluation and selection of models was performed using a multicriteria method - TOPSIS. The paper presents the practical application and sensitivity analysis of the TOPSIS method.enopenAccess functionoptimizationagricultural enterprisesApplication of quantitative models in the organization of the financial function of agricultural enterprisesarticle10.5937/ekoPolj2003747M