BY-NC-NDŠešlija, MilošPeško, IgorMirković, KatarinaMandić, VladimirKired, Fawzia2022-08-262022-08-262022M. Šešlija, I. Peško, K. Mirković, V. Mandić, and F. Kired, "Analysis of the hydraulic binder use for base strengthening in pavement constructions," Engineering Today, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 37-44, 2022, doi: 10.5937/engtoday2202037S.2812-9474 paper presents the application of cement stabilization in the world and in our country. In addition to the literature review, basic physical - mechanical tests of the pavement base without the use of hydraulic binder and with the use of hydraulic binder with different percentages of participation (3, 5, and 7%) were given. The hydraulic binder of the manufacturer LaFarge HRB 12.5 was used as a binder, and the material on which this binder was tested is a clay material taken from Subotica. Using this binder, it was concluded that any percentage of binder leads to significant improvement of the placenta and thus improves the load-bearing capacity of the pavement structureenopenAccess binderBasePavement constructionAnalysis of the hydraulic binder use for base strengthening in pavement constructionsarticle10.5937/engtoday2202037S