BY-NC-NDČutura, Ilijana2021-04-282021-04-282019978-86-7604-184-8 Ana (Adžić) oličenje posvećenosti: Zbornik radova povodom 120 godina od rođenja i 70 godina od primanja monaškog čina: The paper deals with specific linguistic and stylistic characteristics of Nadežda Adžić’s diaries, written during her work at children’s food providing center “Bogdaj”, from 1935 to 1937. Nadežda Adžić’s style is characterized by some unusual morphological and syntactic features, which were used with double purpose – to record, as accurately as possible, all the facts concerning the foundation and work of the Children’s shelter, on one side, and to achieve stylistic-emotional effects on the other. The analysis is focused on some specific linguistic devices and gramatical constructions: apposition, relative clauses, enumeration, cumulation, unusual word order, use of preterite tenses. Some features of Nadežda Adžić’s style – comparisons, word order, precision writing – can be compared to the style of her father Sreten. The very idea of writing, as well as a balanced and polyfunctional contemporary language of the diaries might have been influenced by Nadežda’s spiritual father, episcopus Nikolaj Velimirović.sropenAccess (Nadežda) AdžićSreten Adžićsrpski standardni jezikred rečiglagolski oblicikumulacijaO DNEVNIČKIM ZABELEŠKAMA NADEŽDE ADžIĆ (SVESKE IZ „BOGDAJA”)NADEŽDA ADŽIĆ’S DIARIES (NOTEBOOKS FROM "BOGDAJ")bookPart