BY-NC-NDŽivković, Predrag2022-08-052022-08-052019Živković, P. Ž. (2019). Beijaard's model of teachers' professional identity. Inovacije u nastavi - časopis za savremenu nastavu , 32(3), 107-116. aim of the research is to use logistic regression to determine the predictive and classification values of the three-dimensional Beijaard's model of teachers' professional identity (teachers as subject-matter experts, didactical experts, and pedagogical experts). Logistic regression as an analytical-statistical procedure for testing this model has not been done so far. The most important results of the research are as follows: the selected set of predictor variables for each element of the criterion variable gives good results in the model; the aggregate performance indicators of the model are within the required limits; the model classifies a satisfactory percentage of cases for all three elements of the professional identity model.sropenAccess' professional identitymodellogistic regressionDouwe BeijaardBeijardov model profesionalnog identiteta nastavnikaBeijaard's model of teachers' professional identityarticle10.5937/inovacije1903107Z