BY-NC-NDĐurović, SanjaSpasojević, Marina2022-10-192022-10-1920201820-1768 paper analyzes the structure, formation and motivation of onymous units in the novel Despot i žrtva by Dobrilo Nenadić, as well as their function in a literary text. A large number of anthroponyms (personal names, surnames, nicknames and their combinations) are noted in the novel, and their density in the text is noticeably prevalent. By choosing the anthropological units, the writer achieves a stylistic effect because he often characterizes his characters by name, which contributes to the expressiveness of the text. In the historical novel, anthroponyms are deprived of expressiveness and serve to authentically portray the historical picture of time and people in it by using names that, from the aspect of the modern anthroponomasticon, contribute to the documentary character and authenticity of the writer’s narration.sropenAccess Nenadić"Despot i žrtva"anthroponymsonomastylisticsSTILSKA FUNKCIJA ANTROPONIMIJSKIH JEDINICA U ROMANU DESPOT I ŽRTVA DOBRILA NENADIĆATHE STYLISTIC FUNCTION OF ANTHROPONYMIC UNITS IN THE NOVEL DESPOT AND ŽRTVA BY DOBRILO NENADIĆarticle