BY-NC-NDBrašić Stojanović, Jovana2022-03-172022-03-1720209788676231003 area of financial services in the Republic of Serbia is characterized by permanent harmonization of regulations, which means acceptance of the acquis communautaire and their adjustment to the existing economic and social circumstances. The satisfactory degree of harmonization has resulted in the opening of a negotiating Chapter 9 on financial services, taking the domestic state a step towards a single market. The intention of the author is to indicate through research on the most important legal acts that are the result of the process of harmonization in the field of financial services, the importance of providing and strengthening the financial system and the achieved level in protecting the rights of financial services users. Such a goal is the result of the attitude that the strengthening of the financial system leads to the improvement of the overall business environment, which then has a stimulating effect on service creators, on the diversity of supply, competitiveness of existing providers, but also the emergence of new ones, which in the end for the result has an acceleration of economic development.sropenAccess servicesfinancial marketfinancial services userharmonizationacquis communautairelegal securityPROCES HARMONIZACIJE I DOPRINOS ZAŠTITI PRAVA KORISNIKA I JAČANjU FINANSIJSKOG SISTEMA REPUBLIKE SRBIJETHE PROCESS OF HARMONIZATION AND CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROTECTION OF CUSTOMER RIGHTS AND THE STRENGTHENING OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIAbookPart10.46793/XXIv-11.043BS