BY-NC-NDĆurčić, SrećkoVeskovic, Milanvujicic, momcilo2022-02-102022-02-1020210354-8651 use of waste wood and agricultural biomass as renewable energy sources has in recent years been a practical and reliable way to obtain energy in most EU countries. Numerous scientific and practical researches are focused on the possibilities of using different sources of waste wood and plant biomass for energy purposes, as well as for other possible needs. A well-planned supply chain of waste wood and plant biomass in Serbia, with appropriate preparatory technologies, can significantly influence the rational use of available resources. This paper presents an analysis of the requirements for the use of available resources of waste wood and agricultural biomass in Serbia for appropriate purposes.sropenAccess zahtevaotpadna drvna i biljna biomasaracionalno korišćenjeregionalna teritorijaAnaliza zahteva za korišćenje otpadne drvne i biljne biomase u Srbiji u energetske svrheAnalysis of Requirements for the Use of Waste Wood and Plant Biomass in Serbia for Energy Purposesarticle10.46793/EEE21-3.80C