BY-NC-NDĐelić, GoricaSimic, ZoranBrankovic, SnezanaStankovic, MilanPavlovic, MilicaJakšic, TatjanaVasic, Predrag2021-05-112021-05-1120219788687611801 millefolium L. has a great value as medicinal plant. The aim of the research is to determine the uptake potential for heavy metals and the intraspecial difference between unique species of A. millefolium from different localities based on the heavy metals uptake, their distribution in plant organs and enrichment factors. The results showed that plants growing on soil rich in heavy metals (tailings) absorb significantly higher amounts of metals compared to plants from the Ovčar-Kablar gorge (non-contaminated soil).sropenAccess millefolium L.metalsadoptiontranslocationtranslokacijametaliPOTENCIJAL BIOAKUMULACIJE I TRANSLOKACIJE METALA KOD VRSTE ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM SA RAZLICITIH LOKALITETAconferenceObject10.46793/SBT26.319DJ