BY-NC-NDStojanović, Biljana J.Ristanović, DušanŽivković, Predrag2022-03-032022-03-032018978-86-7604-173-2 articles are a result of the bilateral cooperation project ”Assumptions and possibilities of developing innovative models of teaching for accomplishing transparency of university education and for raising competitiveness in national and international knowledge markets”, carried out and financied by the University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina (Republic of Serbia) and the University of Primorska, Faculty of Education, Koper (Republic of Slovenia), in the period 2017–2019.The application of the project model of teaching in today’s education system becomes imperative, and it is necessary to implement it in the initial education of future teachers. In addition to the benefits, project teaching poses numerous challenges to teachers and schools. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to examine the attitudes of students of the Faculty of Education, about the application of project teaching and the advantages and disadvantages of this model. The research was carried out at the Faculty of Education, on a sample of 72 students of the second year at the department Teacher. The questionnaire, which was made for the purposes of this research, was applied. The questionnaire contained questions of open type and questions in the form of an assessment scale. The obtained results have shown that students-future teachers are aware of the benefits of project teaching and especially emphasize the contribution to the improvement of students’ social skills. As key problems in the implementation of project teaching, the interviewed students stated that: it requires a lot of time, it is necessary to align the project teaching with the curriculum and train the teachers for the use of this model. The results of this study point to the need for adequate training of future teachers in initial education, since the implementation of project teaching has become a mandatory part of the curriculum of teaching and education in primary schools.enopenAccess teachinguniversity educationteacherstudentAPPLICATION OF PROJECT MODEL OF TEACHING IN INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION – STUDENTS’ OPINIONSbookPart