Anđelković, Jovana2023-03-062023-03-0620221450-8338živanje sprovedeno u radu finansiralo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (Ugovor o realizaciji i finansiranju naučnoistraživačkog rada NIO u 2022. godini broj 451-03-68/2022-14/200198).The focus of this research is finding and analytical, semiotic-symbolic, theopoetic, and comparative analysis of cosmological and cosmogonic ideas of the origin of the world and human. The field of that analysis includes the ancient cosmological protology presented in Plato’s Dialogues, the bibliocentric understanding of Genesis in the Six Days of St. Basil the Great and the romantic articulation of the meaning of existence. The romantic pessimistic conception of life, presented through the causes found in the universal principles of creation, is shown primarily in Njegoš’s song Luča mikrokozma. The primary goal of the research is to find a poetic-philosophical form of the deepest past of existence, and try to sense a causal sequence in existential development, the latter consequence of which is a pessimistic insight into the transience of this determination determined by the inability to know what vibrates outside lethal limitations of being. At the same time, this paper does not focus only on reviewing the historical development of thought about being, but the result of the theopoetically oriented segment of research is reflected in revealing the summarization and transformation of ancient, biblical and romantic cosmological representations in Njegoš’s poetry. Hence, in individual subchapters related to Njegoš’s cosmopoiesis, his philosophical ideas on the source and cause of primordial origin, as well as on the primordial abode of God and being, and its cessation whose cause is the first sin, are presented. In the last segments of the research, the artistic-philosophical concept of the renewal of the primordial embrace with the Creator through song is presented. The research concluded with the presentation of the idea of poetic action as a process of cognition of the primordial origin, and emphasizing that every theopoetically oriented writing represents a new possibility for merging with a transcendental melody. This introduced a new methodology for analyzing texts on metaphysical topics and laid the foundation for future research on the same or similar topics.srCC0 1.0 Universal UPOSTOJANjA OD PLATONA, PREKO BIBLIOCENTRIČNE PREDSTAVE, DO NjEGOŠATOPOS OF EXISTENCE FROM PLATO, THROUGH A BIBLIOCENTRIC PERFORMANCE, TO NJEGOŠarticle10.46793/LIPAR79.063A