BY-NC-NDGrbović, FilipGajić, GordanaBranković, SnežanaSimić, ZoranCiric, AndrijaMišić, DanijelaTopuzovic, Marina2022-04-192022-04-1920229788687611863 aim of this study is to use a comparative analysis of the ecology of invasive species Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, Amoprha fruticosa L. and Robinia pseudoacacia L. to assess the possibilities and risks of their application in the soil and vegetation restoration in different anthropogenically modified habitats. The results of the comparative study indicate that selected tree species can have a positive effect on biogeochemical cycles and the initiation of pedogenesis. However, when using A. altissima and A. fruticosa in soil and vegetation restoration projects there is a potentially higher risk than benefit, due to the high allelopathic effects on other species in the habitat, compared to R. pseudoacacia.sropenAccess ecosystemsinvasive speciesallelopathysoil reclamationvegetation restorationMOGUĆNOSTI I RIZICI PRIMENE INVAZIVNIH DRVENASTIH VRSTA U OBNOVI VEGETACIJE NA DEGRADIRANIM STANIŠTIMAPOSSIBILITIES AND RISKS OF USING INVASIVE WOODY SPECIES IN REVEGETATION ON DEGRADED HABITATSconferenceObject10.46793/SBT27.309G