BY-NC-NDGaric, MlađanVukosavljević, VeraBosiočic, Zoran2022-04-192022-04-1920229788687611863 variety of Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most famous varieties for the production of high quality black wines. It is originally from France from the Bordeaux Vineyard. In the agro ecologically conditions of the Oplenac vineyards, varietyCabernet Sauvignonwas raised in 2014 and is located in the stage of growing birth. The collection space is 2.5x1.0m. During period of testing, meteorological conditions for the growth and development for variety have been favorable and also showed high and stablefertilityand excellent quality of grape and wine.sropenAccess ecologicallyconditionsyieldgrape qualityPRINOS I KVALITET GROŽĐA SORTE KABERNE SOVINJON U OPLENAČKOM VINOGORJUYIELD AND QUALITY OF GRAPE VARIETY CABERNET SAUVIGNON IN OPLENAC VINEYARDSarticle10.46793/SBT27.173G