BY-NC-NDKosanic, MarijanaVesić, AleksandraPetrović, Nevena2022-04-212022-04-2120229788687611863 clathroides and Auricularia mesenterica present insufficiently studied species of fungi in the subphylum Basidiomycotina. In this manuscript we have explored the bioactivity of their acetonic extracts. We determined the antimicrobial and antioxidative activities in vitro, as well as the total phenolic and flavonoid content of extracts. Our results indicate that the tested species of fungi possess relatively good antimicrobial and antioxidative properties, which opens the way for further research and potential application of these species for biomedical purposes.sropenAccess extractsantimicrobialantioxidativebioactivityfungiBIOAKTIVNOST ACETONSKIH EKSTRAKATA VRSTA HERICIUM CLATHROIDES I AURICULARIA MESENTERICATHE BIOACTIVITY OF THE ACETONIC EXTRACTS OF HERICIUM CLATHROIDES AND AURICULARIA MESENTERICAconferenceObject10.46793/SBT27.483K