BY-NC-NDMićović, Miodrag2022-04-212022-04-2120209788676230983 once challenged right which nowadays attracts special attention is the right to satisfaction of basic needs. This right, which initially did not have specific scope and content, gradually developed by adoption of series of rules. These rules demonstrate its two-dimensional character. On the one side, the scope of this general right is defined by rules governing consumers’ right to availability of certain services and its content. On the other side, general consumer’s right to satisfaction of basic needs is concetized by the rules governing consumers’ right to service accessibility, i.e., the manner and mechanisms that facilitate access to services. With regard to the right to service accessibility, author raises and analyzes three questions, particularly: what is the framework, subjective and objective, within which the right to service accessibility is realized; what are the requirements that have to be fullfiled in order to ensure service accessibility; are there corrective elements which exclude or limit the service accessibility requirements and, if so, what is their effect in terms of the service provider’s duty to ensure accessibility of certain services.sropenAccess korisnika na pristupačnost uslugaUSER'S RIGHT TO SERVICE ACCESSIBILITYbookPart10.46793/UPK20.003M