Stojković, DraganLeković, Miljan2023-02-142023-02-142016Стојковић, Д., & Лековић, М. (2016). Supporting the sustainable development in the Republic of Serbia. Hotel and Tourism Management, 4(1), 100–112. Retrieved from for enormous profits, under conditions of strong competition and growing production, often leads to excessive and irrational use of renewable and non-renewable resources. This raises the need of forming various associations and organizations aimed at preserving the living environment, in order to achieve a balance between economic and environmental objectives. The development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is called sustainable development which is the result of congruence of economic, environmental and social objectives in the long term. At the global level, there is a large number of documents setting out the principles of sustainable development, among which the most important are Declaration on Environment and Development (1992) and document RIO+20 (2012), both defined in Rio de Janeiro. Since 2008 the Republic of Serbia has the defined National strategy for sustainable development which is in line with all global documents in this field and provides a framework for defining local sustainable development strategies.ensustainable developmenteconomyecologyneedsSupporting the sustainable development in the Republic of SerbiaPodrška održivom razvoju u Republici Srbijiarticle