BY-NC-NDVujisić, Dragan2022-02-082022-02-0820219788676231089 September 2021. the Republic of Serbia adopted the new Law on consumer protection which, on the one hand, represents a step further in harmonization of the Serbian consumer rights with the consumer rights of EU while, on the other hand it is also on advanced step in better quality of protection of Serbian consumers, bearing in mind the specific issues in Serbian legistature in general and the needs and the situation in practice. A part of this law deals also with the protection of consumers in a chieving their rights from the agreement on tourst travel. The Law on consumer protection (2021) implements Directive EU on package travel and linked travel arrangements (2015/2302). In addition to the harmonization required, as the travel service market experiences significant changes, especially because of the internet, that is, the fact that with the increasing number of the internet users the travel services are provided by the internet more often as well as establishment of new combinations of travel services, new legal solutions became necessary which resulted in obligatory further protection of travelers.sropenAccess on consumer protectiontourist travelagreement on tourst traveltravel organizera travelerTURISTIČKO PUTOVANjE PREMA NOVOM SRPSKOM ZAKONU O ZAŠTITI POTROŠAČATOURIST TRAVEL ACCORDING TO THE NEW SERBIAN LAW ON CONSUMER PROTECTIONarticle10.46793/XXIv-12.357V