BY-NC-NDKadelburg Z.Radenovič S.Rajovic M.2020-09-192020-09-1920151450-9628© 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. In this short note we prove the existence of fixed points for nondecreasing mappings in ordered b-metric spaces. Our results improve the recent results, established by F. Zabihi and A. Razani [Fixed point theorems for hybrid rational Geraghty contractive mappings in ordered b-metric spaces, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 929821, 9 pages], with much more general conditions and shorter proofs. An example is given to show the superiority of our generalization.openAccess note on fixed point theorems for rational Geraghty contractive mappings in ordered b-metric spacesarticle10.5937/KgJMath1502183K2-s2.0-84951191287