BY-NC-NDRakicevic, Tihon, ArhimandritAndjelkovic, MajaStojanovic, Aleksandar2021-04-192021-04-192018Rakićević, T., Anđelković, M. M., & Stojanović, A. (2018). Omitting regulations on alienation, repentance, lament and contemplation in the final lessons of the first chapter of St. Sava’s Studenica Typikon. Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, (55), 179-199.0584-9888 Sava wrote the benefactor’s hagiography of St. Simeon as the first chapter (letter) of the Studenica Typikon. He used Theodore the Studite’s The Small Catechesis 56 as the epilogue of biography which is according to the established rule read during the Great Lent. The comparative analysis of the epilogue of hagiography and Theodore the Studite’s The Small Catechesis 56 determined that St. Sava left out specific rules directly concerning significant aspects of monastic spirituality. In the study we analyze reasons for leaving out these rules respected by the entire Eastern monasticism and adaptation of the text taken out from The Small Catechesis 56 to a specific place within the hagiography.sropenAccess Savathe Studenica Typikonthe Hilandar TypikonTheodore the StuditeThe Small Catechesis 56monasticismOmitting regulations on alienation, repentance, lament and contemplation in the final lessons of the first chapter of St. Sava’s Studenica TypikonИЗОСТАВЉАЊЕ ОДРЕДБИ О ТУЂИНОВАЊУ, ПОКАЈАЊУ, ПЛАЧУ И ПРОСВЕЋЕЊУ У ЗАВРШНИМ ПОУКАМА ПРВОГ СЛОВА СТУДЕНИЧКОГ ТИПИКА СВЕТОГА САВЕarticle10.2298/ZRVI1855179R