BY-NC-NDJovanović, IvanaVulović, Nenad2021-07-302021-07-3020211451-673X a time of quick changes and technological development, the key task of teaching mathematics is to encourage and develop mathematical thinking. The teaching of mathematics is important in the life of every individual because mathematics permeates all aspects of human activity. Mathematical thinking is necessary for solving many problems in everyday life and work of every individual. The ability to find rules in the initial teaching of mathematics is one of the abilities of mathematical thinking, more precisely logical, and its encouragement and development in teaching contributes to the encouragement and development of mathematical thinking. This paper presents specific examples of problem tasks that encourage and develop the ability to find rules in the initial teaching of mathematics, as well as the results of the research conducted to examine the effects of the application of these problem tasks. The research sample consisted of 238 third grade elementary school students. The research results show that after the application of the experimental program, there was a significant improvement in the ability of finding rules in experimental group. The results confirm that this ability can be encouraged and developed in the initial teaching of mathematics.sropenAccess thinkingmathematical thinkingmathematical problemability of finding rulesinitial teaching of mathematicsUočavanje zakonitosti i pravila u početnoj nastavi matematikeFINDING RULES IN INITIAL TEACHING OF MATHEMATICSarticle10.46793/Uzdanica18.1.325J