BY-NC-NDMatić, Dejan2022-02-082022-02-0820219788676231072 paper discusses the axiological foundations of constitutional democracy and populism, as well as the influence of populist movements on law, legal processes, liberal democracy and the state order as a whole. The conceptual definition of populism in the situation of stable functioning of the political system inevitably leads to the conclusion that it represents an anomaly and an absolutely retrograde political phenomenon in the conditions of globalization and constant changes in modern societies. A serious crisis of the political system, that is, consequently, of the statelegal order as a whole, puts things on a completely new basis, providing an opportunity for a deeper and more complete understanding of the phenomenon of populism and its impact on constitutionalism and democracy.sropenAccess democracylawliberalismconstitutionalismAKSIOLOŠKE OSNOVE USTAVNE DEMOKRATIJE I POPULIZMAAXIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY AND POPULISMarticle10.46793/UPSSIX.125M