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    Should I be bothered or not? Development of the Environmental Attitudes Scale (EAS)
    (University of Novi Sad, 2022) Hinić, Darko
    The aim of this paper was to develop a reliable scale evaluating values, beliefs, and attitudes towards the environment, and to test its basic psychometric properties relative to its employment in Serbia. The final sample included 1020 participants (46.9% male and 53.1% female), aged from 18 to 86 (M = 39.29, SD = 15.77). All the participants completed the demographic questionnaire (age, sex, region, education, work, and economic status), and the EAS scale. This final scale included 34 items grouped into seven dimensions explaining 51.84% of the common variance: Love of nature 18.72%, Population growth policies 10.24%, Pro-environmental behaviours 8.94%, Preservation measures 4.28%, Environmental concern 3.87%, Instrumentalism 3.12%, and Environmental activism with 2.27% of the variance explained. EAS showed internal consistency ranging from .74 to .82 for the factor scales, and test-retest rtt = .80. Results confirmed three second-order factors (84.17% of variance explained): Pro-environmental factor (explaining 46.11% of the variance), contained the Love of nature, Environment concern, Pro-environmental behaviour, Environmental activism, and Preservation measures factors, the second contained only Population growth policies factor, explaining 25.19% of the variance, while the third contained the Instrumentalism factor, explaining 12.87% of the variance.
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    Excessive Screen Media Exposure and Language Delay in the Development of Infants and Toddlers – Three Case Reports
    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Medical Sciences, 2021) Simonović, Senka; Hinić, Darko
    Early exposure to digital media has become an integral part of everyday life, which is frequently being reported as one of po-tential risk factors for a number of developmental disorders, in-cluding language development in infants and toddlers. The cur-rent article represents introduction to a research study which will be dealing with a potential link between the risk of language delay and excessive screen media time in children. With this in mind, we will present three case reports involving young children who ex-perienced a language delay, but did not have any health problems diagnosed, nor did they have any of the physical high-risk factors for language and other developmental disorders detected. What these three children have in common is the fact that they were all excessively exposed to digital media during the first two years of life. The existing empirical findings suggest that different forms of digital content may be overstimulating for the developing brain, which is true both for active and background screen viewing. Moreover, screen time may be seen as a distraction from other more developmentally important activities. Keeping parents in-formed about a potential negative influence of prolonged media exposure can prompt parents to make informed decisions about whether and to what extent they will expose their children to dig-ital media in the earliest period of their development.
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    Evaluacija Skale poremećaja upotrebe interneta (PUI)
    (Društvo psihologa Srbije, 2012) Hinić, Darko
    Glavni cilj ove studije je evaluacija Skale poremećaja upotrebe Interneta na srpskom uzorku Internet korisnika, kao i provera faktorske strukture skale i njene korelacije sa izdvojenim parametrima upotrebe Interneta. Ukupan uzorak iznosio je 280 ispitanika, podeljenih u kliničku (70) i kontrolnu grupu (210), uzrasta M=26.73, SD=7.830. Kontrolna grupa formirana je slučajnim izborom od ukupnog broja ispitanika (327) koji su dobrovoljno odgovorili na bateriju testova i ispunili ulazne kriterijume. Kliničku grupu činili su subjekti koji su potražili stručnu pomoć zbog simptoma nefunkcionalne upotrebe Interneta u nekoj od institucija ili privatnih psihijatrijskih i psihoterapijskih praksi u Srbiji, a koji su ispunili kriterijume za klasifikaciju Poremećaja upotrebe Interneta. Interna konzistentnost skale iznosi α=.944, a faktorskom analizom izdvojena su tri faktora koji zajedno objašnjavaju 67.23% ukupne varijanse u obe grupe: Nemogućnost kontrole ponašanja i posledice, Preokupacija Internetom i reakcije na deprivaciju, Socijalne posledice poremećaja upotrebe Interneta. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između ukupnih skorova kliničke i kontrolne grupe na revidiranoj skali (t(278)=20.434; p<.000), pri čemu su svi pojedinačni ajtemi pokazali značajne diskriminativne vrednosti sa 89.6% ispitanika pravilno klasifikovanih u odgovarajuće kategorije. Takođe je utvrđena značajna pozitivna korelacija između PUI skora i broja sati provedenih na Internetu (r=.519; p<.001), a analiza nije pokazala korelaciju sa varijablama uzrast i dužina korišćenja Interneta, kao ni značajne razlike po polu, obrazovanju i mestu stanovanja ispitanika iz kliničke grupe. Slična situacija je dobijena i na kontrolnoj grupi osim niske korelacije sa uzrastom (r=- 0.253; p=.001).
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Markeljić, Sanja
    This paper deals with the manner of writing abstracts for the scientific papers published in the journal Lipar. The aim of the paper is to determine which information the authors of abstracts list when writing them and how much their manner of writing deviates from the theoretic rules of writing this element of scientificcritical apparatus. For this purpose, we collected a corpus of 50 scientific abstracts whose structure was compared with the model abstract formed by combining models offered in the journal Lipar and in the works we cited. The results of the research were as follows: 1) no example of the so-called all-inclusive model of a scientific abstract; 2) a total of 13 models was found; 3) the models subject (corpus) + method + goal + result and subject (corpus) + method + goal proved to be the most common ones in the corpus, but not significantly more common than the remaining models. Based on the listed results, we may conclude that the manner of writing a scientific abstract is far more diversified than the referenced works show.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Nenadić, Marija
    The paper provides a linguistic analysis of political slogans. The corpus material includes political slogans of this year‘s general elections held on April 3, 2022. The aforementioned syntactic constructions are classified into two categories – slogans with a predicate constituent and slogans without a predicate constituent. Using qualitative methodology, we endeavor to provide a thorough description of excerpted linguistic units in order to determine their stylistic and pragmatic potential. The analysis concludes that the dominant feature of these linguistic expressions are stylistic figures of repetition – alliteration, assonance, and consonance – but in some instances, other marketing strategies have been implemented that contribute to the retention of statements. Nevertheless, we suggest that interviewing native speakers would provide a better insight into the pragmatic nature of the examined material.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Sretkovic, Arsenije
    This paper considers the models of transferring other people’s speech in David Albahari’s novel Leeches from the stylistic point of view. The aim of this paper is recording and illuminating the stylistic effects of different types of transmission of other people’s speech. By using analytical-descriptive methods in the novel, the following are recognized: real indirect speech, introduced free indirect speech, fragmentary indirect speech, basic (grammaticalized) type of direct speech, semi-indirect speech, indirect expressive speech, and direct non-connector speech. In various contexts they depict the conversations of the novel’s characters.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Mladenovski, Jelena
    The lullaby, as an established cultural practice and reproduction of culture in all nations, has also been used as a musical genre since the era of romanticism. Many composers of the 19th and 20th centuries, who were encouraged by children, included the theme of lullabies in their work as an inevitable source of inspiration. Given that it goes beyond the framework of one era, the lullaby genre builds a separate musical style, in which certain formal-expressive strategies can be recognized on an appropriate generalized level. The primary task in the paper will be precisely the identification of the modalities of musical meanings that are shown to be close in the miniatures called Lullaby, as well as in the pieces with the vaguer name Story. Recognized strategies will be categorized according to Robert Hatten’s semiotic approach to musical meaning, with an emphasis on the concept of musical gesture, which will therefore form the starting and basic analytical method. The correlation between the two opposing fields - musical structure and musical expression, which Hatten puts in the central place, implies, therefore, an illustration of the interdependence of hermeneutics and structuralism. Such a dual method proved to be very useful in order to show a high degree of similarity in the way of shaping thematically related musical material within a relatively small analytical sample.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Kandić, Milica
    This paper examines the autopoetic statements in Vojislav Karanović’s collection of poetry Unutrašnji čovek (2011). Furthermore, it strives to point out the transformations that are present in Karanović’s poetry collection. Bearing in mind that the poet’s reflections on his poetics are noticeable in his previous works, this research paper is based on the hypothesis that elements of Karanović’s autopoetics can be found in this collection of poetry, as well. We used the analytic-synthetic method for this research in order to analyze the selected corpus by interpreting the poems firstly, and then the poetry collection. Hence, we tried to determine the changes regarding the poems, poetic form, as well as poetic language.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Mojsilović, Milica
    A comparative study of the novels Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and Wide Saragasso Sea by Jean Rhys enabled us to reveal different intertextual aspects in which these two works are touching, and the presentation of space is one of those aspects. The paper is dedicated to discovering, analyzing and comparing images of space in these novels, in order to establish a meaningful connection between them and determine the functions of their appearance. Upon careful reading, we noticed that the space can be seen as a shelter of the main characters; it can also be an indicator of their emotional state; space can be an announcement of future events; it can be a link between the past and the present; it may depend on the perspective from which the characters speak; it was also noticed that the image of the characteristic space from the canonical novel was transported into the modernistic novel. Both main heroines feel most secure when they are on the margins, when they are invisible. Only then they can establish a stable relation with their inner being, and that connection is the one that provides peace, a sense of security and tranquility. That feeling is very close to the feeling of belonging to a certain place, which both are looking for.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Anđelković, Jovana
    The focus of this research is finding and analytical, semiotic-symbolic, theopoetic, and comparative analysis of cosmological and cosmogonic ideas of the origin of the world and human. The field of that analysis includes the ancient cosmological protology presented in Plato’s Dialogues, the bibliocentric understanding of Genesis in the Six Days of St. Basil the Great and the romantic articulation of the meaning of existence. The romantic pessimistic conception of life, presented through the causes found in the universal principles of creation, is shown primarily in Njegoš’s song Luča mikrokozma. The primary goal of the research is to find a poetic-philosophical form of the deepest past of existence, and try to sense a causal sequence in existential development, the latter consequence of which is a pessimistic insight into the transience of this determination determined by the inability to know what vibrates outside lethal limitations of being. At the same time, this paper does not focus only on reviewing the historical development of thought about being, but the result of the theopoetically oriented segment of research is reflected in revealing the summarization and transformation of ancient, biblical and romantic cosmological representations in Njegoš’s poetry. Hence, in individual subchapters related to Njegoš’s cosmopoiesis, his philosophical ideas on the source and cause of primordial origin, as well as on the primordial abode of God and being, and its cessation whose cause is the first sin, are presented. In the last segments of the research, the artistic-philosophical concept of the renewal of the primordial embrace with the Creator through song is presented. The research concluded with the presentation of the idea of poetic action as a process of cognition of the primordial origin, and emphasizing that every theopoetically oriented writing represents a new possibility for merging with a transcendental melody. This introduced a new methodology for analyzing texts on metaphysical topics and laid the foundation for future research on the same or similar topics.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Radovanović, Saša
    The paper discusses Kant’s understanding of aesthetics. The analysis relies on the place of the Critique of Judgment in his system of critical thinking. In such a system of critical thinking, there is no science of beauty, but only criticism of beauty. This critique of beauty in Kant’s aesthetics is realized as an analysis of beauty. The analysis of beauty is carried out as an analysis of the judgments of taste, guided by moments analogous to the logical functions of the judgments of understanding from the Critique of Pure Reason. In the end, it is concluded that Kant’s notion of criticism is appropriate for the notion of fine art.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Filology and Arts, 2022) Zečević Krneta, Gorana
    En este trabajo se analiza la presencia y modos de manifestación del paralenguaje en Déjame que te cuente... del escritor y psiquiatra argentino Jorge Bucay. Tres son las razones que nos llevaron a elegir este libro: el título del libro lleva puntos suspensivos que llegan a ser uno de los pilares de la expresividad artística; luego, es una obra llena de diálogos que refleja en papel la estructura típica del discurso oral; y la tercera razón, el autor, además de ser escritor, es un médico psiquiatra y psicoterapeuta, lo que implica una mayor capacidad de matizar la narración con medios no verbales. Bucay utiliza todos los recursos disponibles para diversificar su expresión y hacer reflexionar al lector. Esta intención del narrador se ve ejemplificada a través de muchos elementos paralingüísticos, comunicativamente relevantes. En nuestro análisis partimos de las clasificacones elaboradas por Poyatos (1998, 2002a, 2002б), Antúnez Pérez (2005, 2006) y Panić Cerovski (2017), pero hacemos notar que algunos parámetros del análisis deben ser reconsiderados de acuerdo con el canal comunicativo al que pertenecen. Establecida la diferencia entre el tipo visual y el auditivo de los medios de expresividad paralingüística, los resultados del análisis sacan a luz diferentes elementos de tipo visual, entre los cuales destacan los elementos tipográficos y la organización espacial del texto. Los signos de puntuación, interjecciones y vocalizaciones representan las transcripciones de los parámetros auditivos, conque se consideran como elementos paralingüísticos de tipo auditivo. El silencio como ausencia del sonido se manifiesta en la obra tanto al nivel paralingüístico (puntos suspensivos) como al nivel lingüístico (el sustantivo silencio). Se toman en consideración también las descripciones verbales que, pese a su realización verbal en la obra, tienen una función primariamente paralingüística gracias a la relación que se establece entre el signo y lo designado.
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    Linguistic Attitudes and Linguistic Practices in the Global Age: The Case of the First Generation of Serbian Highly Educated Migrants
    (2019) Jovanovic, Ana; Simović Vučina, Ivana
    In this chapter, 1 we analyse language attitudes and linguistic practices in the global age diaspora through the example of the first generation of Serbian highly educated migrants, those with undergraduate or graduate degree who had left their country of origin during the last two decades. We focus on relations that exist between informants’ attitudes toward the maintenance/shift of ethnic/national identity and language and their actual linguistic practices in home domain, particularly in communication with their children. Through the analysis of data obtained through a questionnaire administered in 2010, we observe the influence of the ideological component in the process of language maintenance/shift in the conditions of life in the global age diaspora. The data obtained through a questionnaire show that this group of informants possesses stable attitudes toward the maintenance/shift of their native language and ethnic/national identity, which do not alter significantly with the length of their stay in the host country. In the age where the media and the internet are highly accessible, these individuals come to the host country with already formed attitudes and expectations which strongly influence their linguistic ideologies. Similarly, their linguistic practices are not likely to change over time, which might point to the fact that right after leaving the country of origin these migrants take on a specific model of linguistic behaviour that significantly influences the process of language shift. Nevertheless, our sociolinguistic analysis indicates that these informants have good preconditions for faster social, economic, and linguistic integration in the majority community and are also considerably closer to cultural and linguistic assimilation than the migrants from the previous immigration waves.
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    (2021) Vujošević, Anđela
    This paper analyses lexical means for the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in the German and Serbian press in 1999. The theoretical part describes the model of the three-dimensional meaning of Fritz Hermanns, according to which the functions of the linguistic sign can be realised on three levels: Cognitive, emotional and deontic. The lexical means for the NATO bombing are first analysed in the empirical part, which were found in 68 thematically relevant articles in the Serbian weekly magazine NIN and in 39 articles in the German magazine SPIGEL during the NATO aggression on FRY from March to June 1999. The results have been also shown quantitatively. An important part of the work is the socio-political context of the selected event, which contributes to the semantic analysis of the found lexical means that have certain semantic meaning within the given discourse. As a starting point of the paper we used Humboldt's thesis, that linguistic diversity actually makes a difference in the world view, so the paper tries to answer the question of how language and selected lexicon form the opinion of an individual or a social group about an event, and how the conflict between political and military forces is presented in two different languages and so reflected in the languages further influences the speakers of these languages.
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    Hopelessness and Fighting Spirit Relation with Illness Perception in Breast Cancer Patients
    (2022) Igrutinović, Nevena; Hinić, Darko; Mihajlovic, Goran; Spasic, Marko; dodic, sara
    Objective: Breast cancer is related to numerous psychological challenges, so the way of coping with the illness and its consequences may influence the outcome of treatment. Also, while confronting the diagnosis individuals will use their own illness perception in order to evaluate the possibility of healing and that can affect different areas of their functioning. The aim was to examine the degree to which women with breast cancer perceived their illness as threatening, as well as to examine potential predictive power of illness perception on strategies of coping with illness (hopelessness and fighting spirit). Method: 102 patients (Mage = 58.64, SDage = 10.143), who were hospitalized at the Center for Oncology and Radiology, for treatment of previously diagnosed breast cancer (Mmonths = 19.07, SDmonths = 23.49), were included in the study. The instruments included sociodemographic questionnaire, medical records, Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire and the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer scale. Results: Patients declared to use fighting spirit more than hopeless style of coping the illness. Model that included Illness perception, Metastasis and Treatment length predicted 16% of Fighting Spirit variance. Model that included Illness perception and Age predicted 39% of Hopelessness variance. Conclusion: Illness perception can predict the tendency to resort to hopelessness and there is a correlation between certain sociodemographic and clinical characteristics with hopelessness and fighting spir.
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    (Faculty of Education in Jagodina, University of Kragujevac, 2022) Nedeljković, Marija S.
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    (Faculty of Teacher Education in Užice University of Kragujevac, 2022) Ribać, Milojka
    The conducted analysis examined the syntactic features of simple and complex verbal predicates in the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, the supreme legal act that has a prescriptive function. Since patient is the dominant instance in the mentioned document, the function of predicate occupies a central place in the analysis. By combining functional and structural criteria, the place of verbal predicates in the corpus that belongs to the administrative functional style is determined. Bearing in mind that this style is characterized primarily by nominal expression, the analysis seeks to examine how this characteristic is reflected in the use of verbal predicates. The research results showed the following: 1) Simple verbal predicates appear in the corpus as predicates of both independent and dependent clauses, with the dominant use of the present tense which gives the impression of validity of prescribed norms. The use of simple verbal predicates consisting of transitive verbs with the particle se is frequent, with the purpose of achieving anonymous and impersonal character of the text through the neutralization of the subject. Existential type impersonal sentences are sporadically found in the corpus, with a logical subject in genitive and a negative impersonal form of the verb imati, which contributes to a clear formulation of legal definitions; 2) Both simple and complex verbal predicates often appear in the corpus in the form of the reflexive passive. The first part of such predicates contains verbs moći and smeti (which express deontic modality), as well as aspectual verbs počinjati, nastavljati, nastaviti and prestajati. Regarding modal verbs within complex predicates, adjectives dužan, slobodan, sprečen i ovlašćen are found in the text. Their presence shows that this way of constructing a complex verbal predicate is very productive. All copulative adjective expressions in the corpus are accompanied by full verbs in the form of da + present, which seeks to achieve a communicative exchange between the government and citizens. A decomposed predicate biti u mogućnosti is found as well, which functions as the modal part of a complex verbal predicate and represents another indicator of the tendency of using nominal expressions within the system of verbal predicates.
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    (Faculty of Teacher Education in Užice University of Kragujevac, 2022) Bazić, Jovana
    Il presente contributo ha lo scopo di analizzare le espressioni idiomatiche nel romanzo Il derviscio e la morte del celebre scrittore Meša Selimović. Il primo obiettivo è quello di esaminare il grado di equivalenza nella traduzione degli esempi estratti dal corpus. Altri obiettivi si rispecchiano nell’analisi delle caratteristiche semantiche e morfologiche. Cercando di illuminare quanto difficile e complesso può essere il processo della traduzione, abbiamo cercato di fare una classificazione delle unità fraseologiche tradotte. Infine, i risultati ci hanno mostrato che vi sono tre tipi di equivalenza nella traduzione: totale, parziale e zero. Inoltre, la presente ricerca ha scoperto che esistono anche delle unità fraseologiche che non hanno un equivalente nella lingua d’arrivo. Le espressioni idiomatiche estratte dal romanzo appartengono ai vari campi semantici (astratto, religioso, somatismi, zoonimi, ecc.). Quanto alla struttura morfologica, va detto che la maggior parte delle unità fraseo-logiche sono costruite dai verbi, aggettivi, nomi, avverbi ecc. Quest’analisi ha sottolineato quanto difficile può essere tradurre le espressioni idiomatiche nei testi letterari, ma soprat-tutto nel caso in cui la mancanza di un dizionario fraseologico serbo-italiano è evidente. Infine, va evidenziato che questo lavoro può magari essere una stima per ulteriori ricerche nell’ambito degli studi contrastivi nel sistema fraseologico di due lingue.
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    (Faculty of Teacher Education in Užice University of Kragujevac, 2022) Markeljić, Sanja
    This paper deals with morphological adaptation of Anglicisms used by speakers of Serbian when posting comments on YouTube. Given the main focus of our research, we rely on Prćićʼs classification of Anglicisms in Serbian. According to Prćić, there are three types of Anglicisms in Serbian: raw, obvious and hidden. Raw Anglicisms are not adapted in any way and are used as such in Serbian. For example, in all-inclusive aranžman, all-inclusive is an example of a raw, non-adapted Anglicism. Obvious Anglicisms are English words that have been fully adapted to the linguistic system of the Serbian language. These anglicisms are orthographically, phonologically, and morphosyntactically Serbian, but it is obvious that they are loanwords. For example, lajk (eng. like), daunloudovati (eng. download)... Hidden Anglicisms refer to the phenomenon of Serbian words and phrases being used in the same way as their English counterparts. For example, Serbian word kopija might develop the same meaning as its English counterpart copy. In addition to Prćićʼs classification, we simultaneously rely on Filipovićʼs ideas about the primary and secondary morphological adaptation of English loanwords. Primary morphological adaptation entails deciding how the word will be written and pronounced in Serbian. After that, the word undergoes secondary morphological adaptation, that is, it must be used in accordance with all the morphosyntactic rules of Serbian. New forms of the word (for example, adjectival forms...) are derived using standard Serbian affixes. The goal of this paper was to describe the ways in which subscribers adapt English words, if they happen to do that at all. The analysis of the morphological adaptation of Anglicisms in Serbian is based on a corpus of 100 Anglicisms that Serbian subscribers incorporated into their comments. The research results were the following: (1) the most commonly used Anglicisms are raw and obvious Anglicisms; (2) both raw and obvious Anglicisms undergo secondary morphological adaptation (for example, klilbejterski, contentom); (3) examples of hidden Anglicisms were not found in the corpus; (4) subscribers sometimes adapt vonly one or one part of the Anglicism (for example, family frendli, clickbejter; Ajde lajk ko zeli part 2); (5) morphological adaptation is varied, arbitrary, and entirely subjective. Given that the use of raw and obvious Anglicisms, particularly on different social media platforms, such as YouTube, remains unabated, it is necessary to raise awareness about the importance of proper morphological adaptation of foreign words in Serbian, which is one of the essential prerequisites for their proper usage and preservation of the Serbian language.
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    (Faculty of Teacher Education in Užice University of Kragujevac, 2022) Mijović, Sofija; Nedeljković, Danica
    : In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden deutsche expressive Derivate auf -ler und -er sowie ihre entsprechenden Äquivalente im Serbischen behandelt. Das Suffix -er zeichnet sich im heutigen Deutschen durch seine Polyfunktionalität aus. Aus diesem Grund umfasst diese Untersuchung ausschließlich deverbale Derivaten mit dem Suffix -er, in denen der Anschein entsteht, als handele es sich um das Suffix -ler. Deshalb werden expressive Personenbezeichnungen auf Suffix -ler und -er zuerst nach strukturellen und semantischen Kriterien analysiert. Beim kontrastiven Vergleich hat die Analyse das Ziel, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der Wortbildungsmuster von deutschen und serbischen Lexemen zu untersuchen und lexikalische Einheiten der Ausgangssprache mit serbischen Äquivalenten zu vergleichen.
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