Faculty of Teacher Education, Užice

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://dspace.unic.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8216

Teachers’ Training Faculty in Užice was founded in 1993, as a part of the University of Kragujevac, and it inherited the tradition of the Teacher Training School, founded in 1919, and later the Pedagogical Academy, founded in 1971. The Faculty belongs to the field of the humanities, department of pedagogy and andragogy


The Faculty owns the building equipped to the highest modern standards, the area of which is 4800m2, with a library of 48000 titles, and a gymnasium. The Faculty engages in the publishing business, and it is accredited for scientific research.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 129
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    (Faculty of Education in Jagodina, University of Kragujevac, 2022) Milinkovic, Nenad; Maričić, Sanja; Lazić, Bojan
    Correct understanding of the equals sign is the key to understanding arithmetic, and a fundamental concept important for learning other areas of mathematics. Research around the world repeatedly mentions problems with correctly understanding the equals sign, emphasising the limited view of the equals sign as a command ”to calculate“ among students. The goal of the research was to identify the development of the concept of equality in line with the operationalised levels (operational, relational, and relational in the context of real-life problem solving) and determine differences in understanding between students of the second (N = 190) and the fourth (N = 210) grade of primary school. The research was carried out using the testing technique. The research results show that students do not possess sufficiently developed relational understanding of the equals sign and that operational understanding prevails. Students of the fourth grade demonstrated better understanding of the equals sign at all levels of understanding than the second graders.
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    Inkluzija u nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja i sportu
    (Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Pedagoški fakultet, Užice, 2022) Maksimović, Jasna; Jablan, Branka; Golubović, Špela
    Postoji međunarodna saglasnost za ideju da fizička aktivnost i sport mogu predstavljati strategije društvene inkluzije, kao i da osobe sa smetnjama i teškoćama u razvoju poseduju kapacitete za učestvovanje u ovim aktivnostima. Ipak, procesi kroz koje intervencije zasnovane na fizičkoj aktivnosti i sportu mogu uticati na inkluzivne ishode još uvek zahtevaju sveobuhvatnu i kontinuiranu istragu. Cilj ovog rada je da kroz pregled izvora naučne produkcije sa međunarodnih naučnih skupova, naučnih časopisa iz oblasti sportskih i društvenih nauka, kao i referentne literature, ukaže na probleme i perspektive razvoja nastave inkluzivnog fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta. Podaci su prikupljeni pregledom dostupnih štampanih izvora i elektronskih baza ERIC, JSTOR, Google Scholar, sa odgovarajućim ključnim rečima. Rezultati analize ukazuju da postoji više faktora koji utiču na nastavu fizičkog vaspitanja u inkluzivnom obrazovnom kontekstu (stavovi nastavnika i učenika, kompetencije nastavnika, pristupačnost i sl.) kao i da je inkluzija u sportu uslovljena kako ličnim (priroda same smetnje, zdravlje, motivacija i sl.) tako i faktorima vezanim za društvenu sredinu (pristupačnost, kreiranje i primena adaptiranih fizičkih aktivnosti i sl.).
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    Funkcionalni pristup i učenje matematike dece sa višestrukim smetnjama
    (Udruženje za podršku i kreativni razvoj djece i mladih i Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli., 2022) Jablan, Branka; Stanimirov, Ksenija; Maksimović, Jasna
    U širem smislu, matematika predstavlja nauku o količini, strukturi, prostoru i promenama. Kao nastavni predmet izučava se na različitim nivoima školovanja. Usvajanje matematičkih znanja je važno za obrazovanje, ali i za svakodnevni život, što objašnjava značaj koji ovaj predmet zauzima u nastavnom planu i programu. Kada se govori o tome koji su ciljevi i ishodi nastave matematike sa učenicima sa višestrukim smetnjama, važno je istaći da oni prate funkcionalni kurikulum u okviru kojeg se učenje zasniva upravo na aktivnostima koje se realizuju u prirodnom okruženju. Učenjem kroz uključivanje u realne, svakodnevne situacije podstiču se samostalnost i socijalna participacija ovih učenika. Isticanje načina i mesta na kojima se nastava odvija je specifičnost funkcionalng kurikuluma. Cilj rada je prikazati pristupe i strategije za usvajanje matematičkih sadržaja učenika sa višestrukim smetnjama. Podaci su prikupljeni pregledom dostupnih štampanih izvora i elektronskih baza ERIC, JSTOR, Google Scholar, sa odgovarajućim ključnim rečima. Heterogenost populacije višestruko ometenih ne omogućava primenu univerzalnih metoda rada, već isključivo individualni pristup radi sticanja znanja. Fokus treba da bude na snagama i interesima učenika, a ide se ka oblastima u kojima je potrebno poboljšanje, bez obzira na hronološki uzrast. Učenje treba da se odvija kroz prirodne rutine, u svakodnevnim situacijama, kroz socijalne interakcije, uz primenu određenih strategija.
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    Toys as Artifacts of the Material Culture of Children and Childhood: Implications for Future Research.
    (Univerzitet u Nišu, 2022) Ilić Semiz, Marina
    The aim of this paper is to generate implications for future research based on the overview and analysis of the findings of relevant social sciences and the humanities that focus on toys as artifacts of the material culture of children, and/or childhood, with special reference to pedagogical research. By material culture of children, we mean items and objects that children themselves make, adapt or modify to fit their interests and the needs of their games, whereas the material culture of childhood refers toobjects created by adults for children to play with. Toys can encourage different types of activities necessary for overall personality development, and can help children develop their cognitive abilities, their body and senses, gain knowledge, socialize, cultivate their emotions and appreciation of beauty, and develop their imagination and creativity. The potential of toys that children make themselves is reflected in the upbringing of creative, free, environmentally conscious and active members of society. Additionally,these toys allow children to build play, to perceivetheir own capabilitiesand restrictions, and to express their imagination, creativity and respect toward the environment, life and oneself.Future research approaches should be directed toward: a) toys as artifacts of the material culture of children, i.e. objects that children themselves make and use for the purposes of play, learning and development; b) integrating the perspective of children and adults with regard to toys, because the distinction between material culture of children, and material culture of childhood is conditional; c) understanding social practice, as well as different discourses related to process of making toys of children building toys by themselves, or through cooperation with adults; d) qualitative research on the design and application of educational toyscreated by adults for children to play with; e) examining the possibilities and the potential of integrating the so-called improvised toys into the family and institutional context; and f) initiating evaluative studies and integrating the values and content of local culture into the preschool and school curricula.
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    Cooperative learning in online class teaching of mathmatics
    (Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.o., Nitra, 2022) Lazić, Bojan; Maričić, Sanja; Marić, Mia; Mrdja, Mirela
    The aim of the paper is to examine the opinion of teachers about the representation and limitations of the application of collaborative learning in online teaching of mathematics. The survey conducted on a sample selected from the population of primary school teachers in R. Serbia (N=116), and data were collected about cooperative learning in online mathematics classes. The results showed that the majority of teachers apply group work, and less often online teaching. They believe that it is possible to organize collaborative learning in online mathematics classes in lower grades, but that there are certain limitations in the realization of this way of teaching. A small number of them have realized such activities through online classes
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    (Univerzitet u Nišu, 2022) Stakić, Mirjana; Stojadinović, Aleksandar; Milovanović, Boško Lj.
    Musical instruments are integral to our folklore and tradition, so much so that some even entered the phraseology of the Serbian language, shaping the image of the world expressed by it. The paper is aimed at examining idioms containing wind instruments as their component to determine what kind of linguistic image they depict. Examination of such material in contemporary Serbian language necessitated that its corpus be borrowed from The Phraseological Dictionary of the Serbian Language by Đorđe Otašević (2012), both due to its year of publication, and the author's intentions to examine the contemporary standard language. Reviewing the Dictionary, it was established that the following wind instruments occur as phraseological components: bagpipes, diple (type of bagpipe), duduk (double-reed woodwind instrument), the horn, svirala (pipe or flute), gourd and the fanfare. The semantic analysis of the idioms that contain the wind instruments mentioned above has established that the generation of the phraseological meaning results in a complete or partial desemanticization. In cases of complete desemanticization, the process of generating sound, i.e. playing these instruments, is transferred to the domain of human speech, thinking and actions. The process of partial desemanticization largely occurs in idioms with a comparative structure which are used to denote human traits, states or behaviors. In both cases, phraseologisms with negative meanings dominate. This may indicate that some of the functions of these wind instruments in our past have been negatively evaluated in the collective conscious from an ethical point of view, which indicates the need for new research.
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    Facts about Nature in Some Textbooks for Subject Nature and Society for Fourth Grade of Elementary School in Republic of Serbia
    (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tuzla, 2022) Vasilijevic, Danijela; Milenović, Hadži Živorad; Botic, Mladen
    The term represents an integral element of each subject and forms the basis for the development of knowledge and mastery of knowledge acquired through the development of science. The school and the course book should enable students to adopt a system of scientific concepts from a certain field. This work deals with the analysis of the concepts of nature in the coursebooks of Nature and Society for the fourth grade of primary school, published by the publishers: Klett, New logos, and BIGZ schooling. The research provides answers to the following questions: Are the concepts of nature explicitly represented in coursebooks? Do complete and incomplete logical definitions of the concepts of nature dominate in the coursebooks of Nature and Society? Is there a dominance of complete and incomplete logical definitions of different publishers and by the dominance of complete and incomplete logical definitions of the concepts of nature? Based on the results of research on the definitions of the concepts of nature in the coursebooks of Nature and Society for the fourth grade, it can be concluded that the coursebooks of Klett, New logos, and BIGZ schooling have a very large number of undefined concepts of nature, greater than the number of definitions. Most textbooks about nature are in the textbook published by Klett (198 terms), followed by the textbook published by New Logos (174 terms), while the least notions about nature are found in the textbook published by Bigz schooling (142 terms). The most accurate definitions are in the textbook published by Klett (86 definitions), followed by the textbook published by New Logos (83 definitions), while the least definitions of nature are found in the textbook BIGZ schooling (59 definitions). All of this points to the need for detailed changes to the analyzed nature and society textbooks from the publishing houses Klett, New logos, and BIGZ schooling. This problem will certainly be the subject of academic discussion and some future research.
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    Izraženost i struktura nacionalnog identiteta studenata Pedagoškog fakulteta u Užicu mereni Nait skalom
    (Srpsko sociološko društvo, 2022) Semiz, Marina; Vasilijevic, Danijela; Bojović, Žana
    Razvijeni su i testirani brojni istraživački instrumenti za merenje stepena izraženosti i komponenti nacionalnog identiteta, a u kontekstu bivših država SFRJ široku primenu ima skala NAIT, koju su razvile Čorkalo i Kamenov. Cilj ove studije jeste ispitivanje stepena izraženosti i strukture nacionalnog identiteta studenata testiranjem višedimenzionalne skale NAIT. Ovo istraživanje se zasniva na pretpostavkama teorije socijalnog identiteta Tajfela i Tarnera, a polazi i od postojećih psiholoških i socioloških određenja nacionalnog identiteta i istraživanja o nacionalnom identitetu. U istraživanju su učestvovali studenti Pedagoškog fakulteta Univerziteta u Kragujevcu (N=175). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je izraženost nacionalnog identiteta studenata viša u odnosu na teorijski prosek i u odnosu na rezultate određenih istraživanja. Eksploratornom faktorskom analizom izdvojeno je pet komponenti nacionalnog identiteta studenata: 1) nacionalna pripadnost; 2) nacionalni ponos i osećanja; 3) relevantnost osećanja nacionalne pripadnosti; 4) nacionalizam i 5) kosmopolitizam. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja utvrđene su razlike u izdvojenim bazičnim dimenzijama nacionalnog identiteta studenata u odnosu na dosadašnja istraživanja.
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    Developing and fostering creativity through the works of art by young pupils
    (2017) Selakovic, Kristinka
    The aim of this experimental research was to examine the effectiveness and impact of active observation of the work of art by applying specially designed strategies, methods and procedures to the development of general artistic creativity in pupils. The research was conducted on a sample of 199 pupils (the experimental group consisted of 102 pupils, and the control group of 97 pupils) from two primary schools in Užice (Serbia). The conclusions indicate how important it is for children to access the work of art on a personal level, independently and through interaction, as well as to develop their own concepts.
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    Problem Solving in Realistic, Arithmetic/algebraic and Geometric Context
    (2021) Zeljic M.; Boricic M.; Maričić, Sanja
    In the last decades, voluminous research has been dedicated to the modeling process and students' understanding of word problems (verbally set problems with realistic context). These problems were considered as a natural framework for the development of the meaning of mathematical relations and for linking mathematical knowledge and everyday situations. In this study we examine three different contexts of verbally set problems: Realistic, arithmetic/algebraic and geometric. The research sample consists of 62 fourth-grade elementary school students (10 - 11 years old). The results show that there is a significant relationship between students' achievement in problem solving in the three different contexts as well as a relationship between the choices of strategies in different contexts. It is shown that students solve problems without the use of visual-schematic representations. Surprisingly, not even in geometric context did student use visual representations. Therefore, a joint activity of students and teachers in constructing visual-schematic representations should be an important aspect not only of solving problems with realistic context, but also of solving geometry problems and problems posed in the mathematical language Mathematics education.
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    The Zone of Actual and the Zone of Proximal Development Measured through Preschool Dynamic Assessment as Predictors of Later School Performance – a Longitudinal Study*
    (2022) Luković, Slađana; Marinkovic, Bratislav; Kostic M.
    The goal of the study was to examine whether the zone of actual (ZAD) and the zone of proximal development (ZPD) in children, measured through preschool dynamic assessment, could be used as predictors of later school performance. A longitudinal study was conducted. The participants were 114 students from the “Stevan Čolović” primary school in Arilje (54 boys, and 60 girls), Serbia. The findings generally confirm that measures from preschool dynamic assessment can be used as predictors of later school performance. ZAD was shown to be a better predictor than ZPD. ZPD is an independent predictor only for performance in language and mathematics tests in a final trial test. Affective-motivational scaffolding is a better predictor than cognitive scaffolding. These results are considered in the context of Vygotsky’s theory and also in that of dynamic assessment procedures. Theoretical and practical implications for future studies of affective-motivational and cognitive factors as predictors of school performance are being considered.
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    The Applicability of Provocative Functional Tests in the Diagnosis of Rotator Cuff Muscle Injuries of the Best University Athletes
    (2022) Ujsasi D.; Filipovic K.; Zvekic-Svorcan J.; Nemet M.; Đuričin A.; Jokšić-Mazinjanin R.; Pavlović, Slobodan; Jovanović, Danijela; Popović, Boris; Štajer, Valdemar; Radanovic, Danilo; Marinković D.; Cvetkovic M.
    Rotator cuff disease, external and internal impingement syndromes, low shoulder stability, various types of trauma, and overuse injuries are all related to sports activities. In order to check symptoms in patients with disability and shoulder pain, clinicians use different methods and diagnostic imaging assessment. The research is aimed at evaluating whether there is a difference between provocation function tests (PFT) and ultrasonographic (US) testing of muscles within the rotator cuff in elite collegiate athletes. Patients (n=184) were recruited from university team sports selections and tested with a standardized US examination of the shoulder and five PFTs (Speed's test, Neer's test, Hawkins test, lift-off test, Yergason's test). Based on the VAS pain assessment scale, 60 subjects had some pain, which was taken for further processing in the work (124 subjects did not have the presence of pain and were excluded from further processing). The US examination was conducted using Voluson 730 apparatus, by a linear probe, with the frequency in the range of 6-12 MHz. The chi-square test showed significant differences between PFT and the occurrence of shoulder muscle tendinitis for the following variables: Speed's test and subscapularis tendinitis (p=0.02) and Speed's test and infraspinatus tendinitis (p=0.01); Neer test and biceps brachii caput longum tendinitis (p=0.01), Neer test and supraspinatus tendinitis (p=0.02) and Neer test and infraspinatus tendinitis (p=0.01); lift-off test and subscapularis tendinitis (p=0.05); and Yergason's test and biceps brachii caput longum tendinitis (p=0.03) and Yergason's test and subscapitis tendinitis (p=0.01). The greatest effect of differences was observed in Neer's test and biceps brachii caput longum tendinitis (ϕ=0.60), while the other effects can be described as medium and small in most cases. It can be concluded that functional tests are good predictors of soft tissue changes in the muscles of the rotator cuff of the shoulder. Further monitoring and analysis are needed on a larger number of athletes.
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    Effects of Combined Plyometric and Shooting Training on the Biomechanical Characteristics during the Made Jump Shot in Young Male Basketball Players
    (2023) Radenkovic M.; Lazić A.; Stanković, Dejan; Cvetkovic M.; Djordjic, Visnja; Petrovic M.; Tomović, Vladimir M.; Kouidi, Evangelia; Preljevic, Adem; Marković, Jovan; Berić, Dragana; Stojanovic, Mirjana; Kocic, Miodrag; Aksovic N.; Petkovic E.; Čoh M.; Bogataj S.; Bubanj M.
    (1) Background: Shooting performance is one of the most important determinants of basketball success and is strongly influenced by vertical jump performance. A lot of research attention has been paid to training programs that may improve the vertical jump. However, the literature regarding the improvement of accuracy during the jump shot is limited. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the combination of two training programs on explosive power of the lower extremities during the made jump shot. (2) Methods: A total of 61 male basketball players were assigned into training group (T, n = 31, age 15.32 ± 0.65) which was conducting a specific, i.e., experimental training program, and control group (C, n = 30, age 16.3 ± 0.71 years) involved in a regular training program. The experimental training program included specific plyometric training with shooting training which lasted for 10 weeks. The obtained data were processed by nonparametric statistics to determine the differences in the vertical jump outcomes, as well as to determine the level of impact of the experimental training program. Wilcoxon and Kruskal–Wallis tests were used. (3) Results: A significant improvement (p ≤ 0.05) was noticed in the T group, in every vertical jump variable (flight time, height of the jump, power, and speed of the jump during a jump shot for two and three points), while there was no improvement within the C group. (4) Conclusions: The combination of plyometric and shooting training has a positive impact on the explosive power of the lower extremities during the jump shot.
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    (University of Kragujevac Faculty of Education in Jagodina Department of Philology, 2022) Stanojević Veselinović, Marija
    The paper deals with the analysis of comparative similes at the lexical, morphosyntactic and semantic level that operate within the concept of wealth. The corpus was extracted from phraseological dictionaries of the Serbian and German languages on the basis of semantic and structural criteria, which was confirmed by contextualized examples from the language of the written media. After a detailed analysis of the components of similes with a special focus on their semantics and with intercultural explanations, a contrastive analysis identified different types of equivalence for similes in Serbian as a source language and in German as a target language. Contrastive analysis was conducted in one direction. The importance of the paper is reflected in the theoretical analysis and definition of similes, as well as in its applicability in the field of lexicography and language teaching.
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    Prednosti i ograničenja primene e-udžbenika u nastavi srpskog jezika iz perspektive učitelja i budućih učitelja
    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Užice, 2022) Puric, Daliborka S; Sekač, Vuk
    Electronic textbook as a product of digital technology has a potentially important role in the learning and teaching process. The authors examine the opinions of teachers (N = 266) and future teachers (N = 176) regarding (a) the advantages and (b) limitations of the use of e-textbooks in the Serbian language teaching in younger grades of elementary school. The research findings show there is an agreement in the assessment of positive and negative aspects of the use of this textbook format in teaching. Multimedia, interactivity and hypertextuality are recognized as the most important advantages, and as the most important limitations - the weakening of direct communication between pupils and teachers, screen reading and the impossibility of its application to certain teaching contents. Effectiveness and efficiency of the use of e-textbooks in teaching and learning is determined both by the characteristics of its structure and content and by the way they are used. In that sense, a significant role in achieving the potential developmental and formative impact of electronic textbooks on students is played by a teacher, who is responsible for creating an optimal learning environment.
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    Uloga književnoumetničkog teksta u razvoju vrednosnih kriterijuma kod učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta
    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Užice, 2022) Čutović, Mirjana; Ilić Semiz, Marina
    Fundamental human values such as tolerance, respect for diversity, mutual help, generosity, honesty, kindness, trust, and fairness are highly moral values that can be encouraged among younger primary school students through the implementation of literary and artistic content in literature classes. Introducing students to the value categories and their acceptance can greatly contribute to preventing potential problems and inadequate behavior of children in communication with their peers and parents. Using a method of content analysis, the present paper considers some ways of encouraging the development of value criteria through the use of both curricular and extracurricular literary texts in Serbian language and literature classes in younger primary schools. The sample comprised 25 literary texts, 8 of which are taken from the Serbian Reader for the 3 rd grade and 17 texts are taken from the Serbian Reader for the 4 th grade. The results indicate that the analyzed texts encourage the development of various value criteria among younger primary school children, the most frequently represented being honesty, tolerance, and respect for diversity. In addition, the paper represents a small contribution to the promotion of value criteria in the curricula and study programs, with the aim of more effectively eliminating negative forms of behavior and encouraging positive behavior among children.
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    Inkluzija u nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja i sportu
    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Užice, 2022) Maksimović, Jasna; Jablan, Branka; Golubović, Špela
    There is an international consensus that physical activity and sport can be used as strategies for social inclusion, as well as that people with disabilities have the capacity to participate in these activities. However, interventions based on physical activity and sport and their processes that can influence inclusive outcomes are yet to be continuously and comprehensively investigated. The aim of this paper is to point out the problems and perspectives of the development of inclusive physical education and sport by providing an overview of scientific production sources from international scientific conferences, scientific journals in the field of sports and social sciences, as well as reference literature. Data were collected by reviewing available print sources and electronic databases suh asERIC, JSTOR, and Google Scholar etc., using relevant keywords. The results indicate that there are several factors which influence physical education and its teaching methods in an inclusive educational context (attitudes of students and teachers, teachers’ competencies, approachability, etc.), and that inclusion in sport is dependent on both personal (nature of the disability, health, motivation, etc.) and social environment factors (accessibility, creating and implementing planned physical activities adapted for students with disabilities, etc.).
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    Primena softvera GeoGebra pri formiranju pojma obima figure u mlađim razredima osnovne škole
    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Užice, 2022) Milikić, Milan; Maričić, Sanja; Vulović, Nenad
    Numerous experimental studies have shown the advantages of using educational software in teaching mathematics. One of the dynamic educational software that has recently gained great popularity in teaching mathematics is GeoGebra. The geometric transformations and dynamic functions of the software can be effectively applied at various education levels, from elementary school to university level. The aim of this paper is to present, through selected examples, some possibilities of GeoGebra software that can help students in lower grades of elementary school become proficient in the concept of the perimeter of a figure in a plane (rectangle, square and triangle), thus allowing them to follow each step in the pattern formation for calculating the perimeter.
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    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Užice, 2022) Bojović, Žana; Stojkanović, Jelena
    In the field of education, special attention has been paid recently to improving the quality of the teaching process as well as readiness to adapt to many challenges of modern society, especially in extraordinary circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the alternative ways of teaching is the model of the Flipped Classroom, whose basic settings come from the Theory of Self-Determination. The essence of the Flipped classroom is in creating a stimulating learning environment in accordance with one's own abilities and interests, outside the classic classrooms. The didactic-methodical implications of the application of this teaching model are reflected in the possibility of individualizing the learning process (students choose the type of teaching material offered, determine the time, place and pace of learning), in developing students' cognitive abilities for independent research, critical analysis and use of different sources (printed and electronic) for additional explanations of curriculum content. The received feedback increases the motivation to learn. The work of students is harmonized with their possibilities, interests and prior knowledge. Disadvantages of this model are: insufficient training of teachers to create and work on e-learning platforms, which requires additional training in computer literacy for both teachers and students, preparation of materials takes a lot of time, greater cognitive load for students, adapting the curriculum to this model, and students spending a lot time in front of a computer.
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    Učenje kroz pokret u pristupima muzičkom obrazovanju
    (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Užice, 2022) Tanasković, Marija
    The movement is related to dance and play, and it is significant for the musical development of an individual and his/her perception of music. Some research results show that learning through movement is familiar to children and can contribute to their development in many aspects (musicality, creativity, but also to their cognitive, social and physical development). Some approaches to music education focusing on the child, which is an imperative of modern upbringing and education, emphasize the importance of understanding the content of learning through sensory perception and practical activities. Music is associated with speech, movement and play, as these elements coexist in children. The paper gives an overview of approaches and methods (Dalcroze, Orff, Kodaly, Gordon) in music education in which movement has a dominant role and significance, as it activates not only the body and the mind, but also encourages the perception of music and its means of expression.
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